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8:02pm on Thursday, 12th September, 2024:



I had a quick trip to York yesterday and today for the annual IGGI conference. IGGI is the doctoral training programme that's given the UK 50 graduates so far with PhDs in games and AI. It's stopped recruiting now, so there will only be two more conferences after this one (the last one will invite all the alumni to it, which I really don't want to miss!).

I had to drive up on Wednesday and drive back on Thursday. The drive there was smooth. The drive back had three five-mile queues that delayed me by an hour.

There was a games night on Wednesday evening that I wanted to attend, but I left early so I could park at the hotel. The hotel had no parking spaces, but would have charged me £10 per day or part thereof if it did (so £20 in total). Alternatively, I could have parked in a nearby school car park for a mere £0 for the first hour then £2.50 for every hour afterwards. I was going to be parked for 15 hours, so asked the hotel if there was anywhere else I could park. It turned out that the street parking outside the hotel was free 6pm to 8am and for an hour outside those times, so that's where I parked. Parking in York is normally awful, so I don't quite know what happened there.

The conference itself was excellent, as usual. I had a number of interesting conversations, and would have had more if I hadn't had to leave early to get back in time to collect my wife from the train statuon this evening.

Here's a photo of an IGGI signpost along with three rabbits that disappeared into the grass between the moment I pressed the shutter button and the moment the camera saved the image.

Maybe next time, put the arrow the other side of the bin. It won't look like a commentary on the state of IGGI that way.

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