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8:47am on Friday, 13th September, 2024:

My Grandfather's Bench


When I went to Yotk on Wednesday, my satnav sent me some weird way that I'd never been before, through small villages and narrow lanes. I decided to take the more direct route back, driving straight to the A1 instead of visiting settlements that time hasn't recently touched.

My route took me close to Great Ouseburn, where my grandparents lived and my mum grew up; I spent the first year of my life living there. In the village is a bench that my brother and I had installed in memory of our grandfather; it was this I wanted to see.

In the five years since I last visited it, its condition has gradually deteriorated. It's in need of revarnishing, and there's some minor damage to the slats. Last time this happened, I asked the local concil to psruce it up and said I'd pay. They did (and made a good job of it, too), so I duly paid.

I've made the same offer this morning. I expect it'll be more expensive, because of inflation, but it's a useful bench for the locals as it's in a convenient location opposite a bus stop. I don't have to pay for it, as I believe it's formally the council's responsibility, but councils are always strapped for cash so I thought I'd offer to help them out. Arthur Toase wasn't their grandfather.

I don't know what will happen to it when I myself cop my clogs, but I won't care as I'll be dead.

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