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6:26am on Wednesday, 11th September, 2024:



Before visiting the US Embassy on Monday, I was seized with a desire to go to the toilet, having inadvisedly bought a drink in Colchester because I was thirsty.

I asked Google maps where the nearest toilet was, and was informed there was one right outside Vauxhall station.

This is it:

So basically it's an open-air urinal for the use of people with male hardware. You can see people while you're having a wee and they can see you.

There's something disconcerting about standing there emptying your bladder while thirty people using a pedestrian crossing watch on. Still, if you've got to go, you've got to go.

I don't know why it's open-air, but I guess it needs less cleaning when exposed to the elements.

Also, homelesss people can't sleep there.

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