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2:33pm on Wednesday, 25th August, 2021:

Free Guy


I went to see the movie Free Guy today. Normally, I'd go with my wife to watch a film, but we were under the impression that it was a comedy and she doesn't go out of her way to watch comedies. I thought I should so it for professional reasons, so I did.

As it happened, it wasn't a comedy per se, but it did have comedic moments. The setting is an MMORPG in which one of the NPCs gains self-awareness. It was handled rather well, I thought. The social media side of it was a little over-emphasised and I'm considering using the plot points next year to illustrate story structure to my students as it was pretty well by the book, but the way it examined the relationship between players and NPCs was the heart of it for me.

Hmm, I think I need to release my How to Be a God book very soon now, before the world catches up to it. I don't expect it to sell (it'll be self-published and I'm hopeless at self-publicity) but it'll be out there, anyway. Therefore, if you're one of the many people to whom I sent a copy to look at, this is the last call for comments and suggestions before I commit it to Amazon Createspace.

Jodie Comer is an excellent actress, by the way, and Taikia Waititi does bonkersness just right.

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