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2:02pm on Tuesday, 24th August, 2021:
My Final Fantasy XIV subscription expired yesterday. I'll probably renew it in the spring, once the next expansion has come out, although that might change if they make me watch more 30-minute cut scenes, or run 30-minute solo instances that if you fail you have to start over from the beginning, or have raids with so many mechanics you need a crib sheet to remember where to go and when, or have me play as a story character rather than as my own. Hopefully, it will also be the case that by then the current influx of World of Warcraft refugees will have given up on their attempts to change its culture to be like that of the game they left because they didn't like its culture.
I'll probably play some more Crowfall and maybe go back to Elite Dangerous for a while, but neither are really much fun if you're not in a guild (and possibly even if you are in one; I'm not, so I can't say). I expect I'll cut down on MMOs for a few months and invest some time playing single-player games instead. I still haven't bought Crusader Kings III, and Victoria III is out soon.
Oh, and that ghastly Zenos yae Galvus character had better bite the dust permanently in the next FFXIV expansion, too, or I shall definitely be giving it a miss. Man, I hate that guy....
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