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4:26pm on Thursday, 26th August, 2021:

Picked On


Yesterday and today, I've been out on the road and at the exact moment I wanted to get past something in the way there's been a solitary vehicle coming in the opposite direction, meaning I had to stop to let it past. It's just been one (different) vehicle each time, but their appearance has been timed to perfection.

The variety of things I've wanted to get past is surprisingly large, too: a sticky-out tree; a single parked car (three times); a menacing pothole (the same one, twice); a rubbish bag; half a dozen bricks; a meandering cyclist; a jogger who preferred the road to the footpath; a bus setting down passenegers; a roadsweeping truck (the same one, twice); a dead badger.

I'm starting to think that the universe is picking on me, but can't think of anything I've done recently to offend it.

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