The everyday blog of Richard Bartle.
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9:35am on Saturday, 19th December, 2020:
For 11 months of the year, we used to call a particular street in Great Horkesley by its official name, Coach Road. However, for the remaining month it took on another name: Tacky Street. This is because it was swathed in tacky Christmas decorations, as house after house endeavoured to out-tacky its neighbours.
In recent years, we've had to stop calling it Tacky Street because the children who lived there have grown up and there's less reason to stress the National Grid with gaudy inflatable snowmen, snaking pipes of flashing lights, laser projections of Father Christmas and illuminated wicker reindeer.
However, it seems that working from home has left people with more time on their hands than in previous years.
This house is at the end of the road in which I live.
Hoist by my own petard.
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