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11:17am on Saturday, 6th April, 2024:
I've just received a letter from E.On Next, forwarded from my late mother's address. It tells me that they've calculated the final bill for my mother's account: it's £15.09 in credit. They'll be sending me a cheque within the next ten days.
Hmm. Well they may be sending me a cheque, but I won't be receiving it. I paid to have my mother's mail forwarded to me for a year and it ran out the day after this letter from E.On Next was intercepted and redirected to me. I declined to renew the forwarding because it costs £30 a year and all she's ever received since Christmas has been junk mail.
Yes, except for this one letter from a utility company wanting to send me half the amount it would cost to receive it.
Why would they wait a year?! How come they didn't send it to my address — didn't I tell them it enough times?
They must make so much money doing this....
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