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11:07am on Saturday, 19th August, 2023:
It''s time for the final release of Erwā chapters. Thanks for the comments from all who have read them, and for the patience of all who haven't.
Matter 36: Genie at Work.
Matter 37: End of an Erwa.
Matter 38: A New Job.
Matter 39: Hallucinogenic Gas.
All the chapters (in pre-critiqued form) are available at http://www.erwā.com/, or in longhand. If the chapters aren't showing, type CTRL-F5 to force the page to reload (it seems to be over-caching today for some reason).
You'll need to have read Dheghōm ( to make sense of Erwā, or at least to make less nonsense of it.
Let me know what you think!
Now to start work on the third book of the trilogy, Bhéwonom.....
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