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10:11am on Friday, 26th August, 2022:
When we had one of our floors retiled a couple of months ago, the tiler told us that the old tiles he'd taken up contained asbestos and we'd have to get rid of them ourselves. There were four bags of them, weighing 60kg, but the council has a contractor who will take the stuff away for about a hundred quid (less with the subsidy the council will chip in with once a year).
I sent off for some double bags and filled them up. If I die of asbestosis 20 years from now, that's how it happened. Well, either that or when I drilled a hole in the possibly-asbestos-bearing ceiling of the same room.
I was told that I would hear from the contractor within a month, and did indeed hear from them within a month (by one day). They informed me that they'd come along and collect the bags today. The bags were under cover, but I figured that this morning I'd move them to where they could more easily be seen.
We were awoken at 6:55am by the beep-beep-beeping of a van reversing into our drive. It was the asbestos-removal company. We quickly got dressed and went to see if the driver had seen where we'd left the bags.
My wife opened the door, saw the driver having a piss in a bucket in the back of his van, then quietly closed the door again.
The asbestos bags have all gone now, anyway, and we have a certificate to say they were disposed of legally, so all is well.
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