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2:28pm on Wednesday, 6th April, 2022:
For several months now, there's been a little icon on my task bar trying to persuade me to update to Windows 11. I ignored it, because I didn't want my PC screwed up when I was giving lectures, but today I decided to give it a go.
Naturally, the icon was no longer there. It had been replaced by another icon trying to persuade me to use some kind of Skype-based chat system for all my meetings. Nevertheless, I persevered and installed Windows 11 from the settings menu.
Two hours later it was ready to use. Quite why it stuck at 31% for half an hour then jumped directly to 93% for another half an hour I shall never know, but suspect that "it's Microsoft" would cover it.
Anyway, so far Windows 11 is working just fine. Windows do seem to open up faster (making the corners rounded must reduce the amount that has to be loaded...) and everything appears to work just fine. I haven't tried all my games out yet, so that will be a thrill, but so far so good. The main annoyance is that I can't right-click a file name to rename it: I have to right-click and select from a menu the option to open up another menu that does have the rename option there. I expect there'll be a way round that.
I'm also updating one of my laptops, although this is because I haven't used it since I last lectured live with it, so it's a little out of date. That took so long to install that I left it to it and went to the university to pick up a package waiting for me (a Happy Easter mug from the good folks at RichCast, complete with mini-eggs — yum yum!). While there, I put some books on the shelves that I'd not put there last time I visited. The reason I hadn't was because there was no room. I made room by throwing out some old paper copies of journals I'd kept, downloading copies of the papers I'd marked in them as having read. I still have some more I can throw out if I need room, which judging by the selection of books I have waiting to be read will be necessary by the end of the year.
I knew I was going to go to the university, so had put on one of my best shirts in order to try to trick the people there into thinking I'm not a slob. However, on the way back from dropping off some groceries for my mother I found the road I was planning to take blocked. So was the next turn, and the next, and the next. When I finally did get to make the turn I needed, I was on a single-track country lane packed with other vehicles that were having a similar experience. At one point, a van moved out of the way to let me past and I had to run over a tree branch that looked like and acted like a Czech hedgehog tank trap. I had to drive with it lodged under the car until I reached a road with two directions of traffic so I could pull over and dislodge it. I managed to do this, but it took ten minutes on my hands and knees tugging and turning at a muddy branch on a muddy roadside under a muddy car. I had to change my jacket, trousers and, yes, shirt as soon as I got home.
Hmm. I seem to have digressed.
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