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2:39pm on Wednesday, 27th October, 2021:
To stop receiving emails from E.On urging us to have smart meters installed for our gas and electricity, we booked one of their operatives to come round and install smart meters for our gas and electricity. He didn't show up, so we booked again. This time, he did show up.
He estimated that the electricity meter would take him at most 45 minutes to install, because it was a simple remove-and-replace.
He estimated that the gas meter would take someone with more expertise at gas meter removal and replacement than him to install. It turns out to be surrounded by 28mm and 22mm pipes, some of copper, some of steel, either welded together or using compression fixings, and arriving in different places to the ones the new meter (which is wider) expects. He's had to call in a specialist meter surgeon to perform the necessary operation, at a date yet to be arranged.
The upshot of this is that I can't bunk off work this afternoon because the power isn't going to be cut.
I moved two piles of assorted stuff out of the way in the garage, too.
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