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10:34am on Tuesday, 6th July, 2021:



People seem to think I'm some kind of expert on the Metaverse, so I keep being contacted for interviews on the topic. I'm actually no such thing, of course, but then no-one else is, either. I've started turning the invitations down, anyway, on the grounds that what I say will be taken as critical of the concept of the Metaverse and thus may affect its funding. OK, so I am critical of the concept, but I think that good things can come of it so I don't want to put investors off by my cynicism.

One of the last interviews I did was for Wired, which is now out. The fact they used my Senior Lecturer title, rather than my Professor title, rather suggests that they're trying to downplay me; still, it's something to add to my yearly work impact statement (if I remember), and if I didn't say it they'd just find someone else to say it instead.

The Metaverse is another one of those topics where I can see where it's going and so don't want to get involved, but as a result do myself out of a share of the ton of money that can be made before it gets there. Oh well!

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