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1:28pm on Wednesday, 26th June, 2019:

Three Colours


At the university canteen, you get "one main and two sides". This is normally fine, but sometimes only one of the sides goes with the main.

That was the case today. I went with the chilli con carne as the main. For the first side, well obviously that was going to be rice. For the second side, though..?

I suppose I could have had rice again, but mushy pease gave a more pleasing, Italian flag look to it.

I did suggest to the server that if people ask for chilli con carne then she might wait until she finds out whether they want rice or not before slopping it on the plate. She didn't seem to think that putting rice on first then putting the sauce on the rice made any kind of sense, though.

This is British cuisine at its finest.

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