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8:00am on Wednesday, 19th March, 2025:

All in One


Speaking of fashion...

At the university yesterday, I noticed two different forms of the same, unusual theme, being exhibited by female students. I only saw three of each, but they were striking.

The first set wore overalls. These were basically dungarees, but not over a shirt or anything: they had sleeves and no front bib. They were like all-in-one jeans, but not made of denim. The three examples I noticed were in different places at different times. One of the overalls (there's probably a technical name for them in fashion circles, but I don't know what it is) was a light brown, the other two were light blue, like faded jeans. The blue ones were made out of cotton and the brown one was more like thick cheesecloth; none were constructed to be hard-wearing. They weren't designed to be actual overalls, just plain, one-piece outfits.

The second set wore the same kind of one-piece outfit but skin tight and made of lycra. They looked as if they were wearing spandex wetsuits. One such outfit was black, and the wearer might have been an athlete, but the other two (one light brown, one light grey) didn't give off that vibe (especially the one in the brown). This is the kind of fashion that, if it took off, probably wouldn't do much good either for young women (because not everyone will have the figure to carry it off) or young men (because it takes an act of will not to gawp).

Fashions are supposed to change, but students are wearing pretty much the same today that they did 2o years ago.

The 1970s, when I was a student, may have been weird fashion-wise, but at least they were different to the 60s and 80s.

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