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9:07am on Saturday, 8th February, 2025:

Thick Skin


I went to get a jab against shingles earlier this week. I'll need a second one a year from now.

The nurse doing the injection couldn't get the needle into my arm until her fourth attempt. She was very excited by this, because it had never happened before — she couldn't wait to tell her colleague. My left-shoulder skin is apparently a lot tougher than anything she'd previously encountered. Her final effort drew blood, she had to put a plaster on me afterwards.

I suggested that she break out the Kryptonite next time.

As I was about to leave, she noticed that I was also entitled to a jab against some forms of pneumonia. That sounded good to me, so I had it. Rather than repeat the throw-it-like-a-dart exercise that the shingles jab had entailed, I had it in my right arm instead. This time, the needle went in just fine.

I don't know why I'm more thick-skinned on my left than on my right. The only explanation that immediately springs to mind if that I sleep on my left.

I also have trouble when I need to give a blood sample, but that's in both arms and it's because my body doesn't want to lose any.

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