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7:49am on Wednesday, 5th March, 2025:
BAFTA has opened a poll asking players from around the world to nominate the "most influential video game of all time".
Accepting that by "all time" they actually mean "yet", why bother to ask people? You can simply ask ChatGPT and it'll tell you the aggregate of what millions of illicitly-scanned writings conclude. I therefore asked it.
It ranked Super Mario Bros. (1985) at the top, with other contenders being Pong (1972), Tetris (1984), The Legend of Zelda (1986), Doom (1993) and Minecraft (2009).
MUD doesn't get a look-in, but then it's not really a "video" game so I can console myself with that.
Even so, now that ChatGPT tries to elicit more information for its ever-expanding data set by asking questions, when it ended with "Would you rank one of these higher, or do you have another pick?" I replied "I'd pick MUD".
Hey, if it wants to be trained, I may as well try to train it.
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