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1:37pm on Wednesday, 30th October, 2024:

Fine Idea


It's budget day here today, when we learn how the Chancellor of the Exchequer plans to fill what she calls a "black hole" in the public finances. I'm not sure why it's a "black hole" and not just a "hole"; you can't actually fill black holes, they just keep getting bigger.

Still, if she wants a quick way to raise some money, I suggest introducing a fixed penalty of, say, £100 for anyone guilty of the well-established offence of contempt of court. A short trial would consider whether a poster of a given social media post was guilty of contempt of court, and if so then social media companies would be obliged to pass on the details of anyone else who shared that message.

Given how quick people are to flout the contempt of court laws on social media by commenting on the guilt or otherwise of people who have been charged with a crime, the money should flood in - unless people stop sharing such messages in the first place. Either way, society wins.

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