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2:42pm on Wednesday, 25th September, 2024:



I had to go to the local hospital today for a pre-operation clinic appointment (I'm having my navel hernia fixed next month). The appointment only took 15 minutes, but the pre-clinic form I had to fill in yesterday evening took half an hour.

One of the questions I was asked was whether I would be travelling for 3 hours or more without a break within three weeks of the operation. I think it's something to do with their not wanting me to have any large blood clots, such as those from deep vein thrombosis. The question somewhat alarmed me because I'm travelling to Malaga and back the week before my operation.

I checked the flight times: 2 hours 55 minutes.

That's convenient.

OK, so I suspect the reason for a flight time of 2 hours 55 minutes is that flights of 3 hours or more are considered medium haul, so Ryanair would have to pay more compensation in the event of a delay or cancellation. Still, so long as I don't actually get deep vein thrombosis in the wide, comfortable Ryanair seats with their generous leg-room, I don't care.

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