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8:30am on Monday, 23rd September, 2024:



Whenever I have any official pieces of paper that look as if I might need to keep them, I put them in a box. When the box gets full, I keep putting them in the box until it's so full that it won't fit on the shelf. Then, after piling a few up on my desk, I eventually get around to going through the papers, to see which ones I no longer need to keep. I shred the papers I no longer need if they have my name or address on them. Otherwise, they go in the recycling bin as they are. This takes me an entire morning and is why I don't like doing it.

Yesterday, I did it. It turned out that I no longer needed to keep quite a lot of them.

This is the cue for the Inland Revenue to ask me to explain a £32.50 purchase I made on 25th July 2015.

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