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11:05am on Sunday, 23rd June, 2024:

Similar Items


I have a search set up with eBay that informs me daily of new items for sale that are possible additions to my collection of playing cards, plus 4 non-matches that are "similar items you may be interested in". I have two other searches set up, too, for Knights of the Dinner Table issue #4 and for maps of Europe from 1869, but these don't update as regularly because there aren't many for sale in my price range.

The emails about playing cards show me a maximum of 12 matching auctions. Usually, there aren't this many — most days, there'll be around 8 — but on Sundays there are more because people with playing cards to sell seem to spend Saturdays setting up the auctions.

EBay helpfully informs me of how many matches there are (today there were 16) but it only shows me 12 of them in the email. It still shows me 4 "similar items you may be interested in",though.

Augh! Why would it do that? Why would it show me 4 items similar to what I want but not 4 items that I actually do want?

I suspect it wants me to click on the "see all results" button, but when I did that just now I was shown 693 matches.

Jeez, eBay, I've had this search going for 20 years, you know I'm not scraping it for nefarious ends. Augh! Augh augh augh!

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