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2:27pm on Monday, 15th July, 2024:

Santa Margarita


Today we're in Santa Margarita, named after the patron saint of pizzas. There's a tender to take us to the town from the ship and back; it's basically just a lifeboat.

Santa Margarita is quite nice, but you can see it all in two hours. We therefore took a ferry to Portofino at lunchtime. It was only 30 minutes late, which we spent standing in baking sun. The ferry back was a mere 20 minutes late, but in expectation of this my wife had bought herself a ha. I merely suffered, because I'm stoical.

Portofino is a quaint fishing village made of restuarants and high-class chain stores. It has sights that we'd have liked to have visited, but walking uo a hillside in yet more direct sunlight didn't appeal. It's very pretty, though. I'm glad we went.

All the little towns here are very pretty, of course.

There were seven more warships in La Spezia when we left last evening. The Italian navy must have read my blog and decided to beef up its presence..

We watched the footie in our stateroom, where it was showing on some sports channel I've never heard of. As expected, Spain won. We have the better players, but Spain has the better team. Let's hope our next England manager isn't as loyal to players and tactics as Southgate is.

I've no idea where we're going tomorrow, other than it's probably somewhere in France.

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