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9:05am on Friday, 9th August, 2024:

Citeable Me


Before I went on my hols, I was in receipt of a random invite from Game Developer asking if I had any blog posts they could publish.

Game Developer ceased to be cool the moment it changed its name from Gamasutra, but it occurred to me that I did have such a post I could submit: the one from 8th June about categorising games by player numbers.

Anyway, once I got back home and recovered from COVID-19, I filled in Game Developer's form and sent it off. I received no response, but have just checked and the post appeared on their site on 5th August at https://www.gamedeveloper.com/design/categories-of-games-by-player-numbers.

The main reason I sent them the post was so that I could cite it whenever I wanted to argue that research on gameplay with two players doesn't necessarily hold for games with other numbers of players. Hey, it's peer-reviewed! Well, reviewed, anyway.

Job done!

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