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8:32am on Tuesday, 8th October, 2024:

Music While you Work


We're having our shower done this week. There are tiles, bits of wood, soggy insulation and pieces of metal and plaster outside our front door awaiting disposal in a skip that's almost guaranteed to damage our new driveway when it's plonked down.

The chap doing the shower-improvement is one of those tradesmen who is powered by the radio. He has it on all the time, tuned to gawd-knows-what station, which blares out bouncy pop songs I've never heard before and don't want to hear again. Only when he's drilling can I not hear it.

Fortunately, I'm both a programmer and a gamer, either of which is sufficient to explain why I have very good set of headphones that cut out noise from the external world. I can listen to music with no lyrics instead of whatever auto-tuned, repetitive sound is being played at 8:30am in between the banal attempts to connect with the audience that emerge with little thought from the mouths of a pair of enthusiastic DJs.

To be fair, though, this isn't as loud as some of the people my wife speaks to on her Zoom calls.

[Edit] Arrgh! Sometimes, he sings along with the music. Sometimes, he sings different music to what's on the radio. Sometimes, he argues with the presenters. Arrgh! Arrgh!

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