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9:08am on Friday, 4th October, 2024:



Because it's the start of a new academic year, Essex University is awash with fresh-faced youngsters who have been told to go somewhere but don't know where that somewhere is. I was accosted on three separate occasions yesterday, by individual students asking for directions. Here's how the discussions went.

Student #1: How do I get to Lab 7?
Me: You're standing outside it.
(Student #1 looks at a piece of paper)
Student #1: Lab 1. How do I get to Lab 1?
Me: It's almost directly above, on the top floor.
Student #1: I have to use the stairs?!
Me: There's a lift right there.
Student #1: I have to use a lift?!

Student #2: Excuse me, what does "LTB" mean?
Me: Lecture Theatre Block.
Student #2: Where is it?
Me: Keep on going in this direction until you reach the square, then go down the stairs and through the opening on the left. It'll be right in front of you.
Student #2: Thanks! Is it inside or outside?

Student #3: Can you help me? I'm looking for Square 4.
Me: This is Square 4.
Student #3: What is?

I'm sure that similar scenes have been or are being repeated at universities across the country.

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