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1:55pm on Wednesday, 27th December, 2023:

Richard Bartle Codes


I got the 2017 book Rise of the Dungeon Master for Christmas, which is about Gary Gygax and the creation of D&D. I hadn't realised that it was cartoons, but since it was I decided to read it yesterday as it wouldn't take me long.

I was surprised to find this on page 81:


Well it was Roy Trubshaw who coded it first, not me. That's a visual display unit, not a teletype. I never have had, nor never will have, a haircut like Prince Valiant.

The panel directly beneath it has someone (I'm not sure who) pronouncing "MUD was just a continuation of what I was doing in D&D", which might have been more plausible if Roy had ever played D&D.

Still, it was a pleasant surprise to come across my name in a book I was reading for reasons nothing to do with me.

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