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6:02pm on Wednesday, 26th April, 2023:
I gave a CE317 revision lecture today.
This was the last lecture these students will ever have at university. They didn't realise until I asked.
These young adults have been in education every year since they were aged 5. Their whole life since then has revolved around people telling them things then testing to see if they understood what they were told.
The telling is now over, and the testing will be over in a couple of weeks.
I always find it rather poignant. OK, so I don't find it poignant that pretty well every one of them will start a job with a higher salary than mine, but it's that waving them off at the end that's so touching. Unless they go on to do a taught Masters somewhere, or fail so badly that they have to resit the whole year, I'm the last teacher they'll experience in their lives.
I tried my best not to scar them, but since revision lectures are inherently scarring I may not have succeeded.
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