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9:15am on Friday, 21st July, 2023:

Change in Degree


It's degree congregation day for the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering today. I won't be going, because we're not told what degree classification the students got and the students don't tell us either. In the past, I've asked students I've met after the ceremony what they got and they turned out to be very disappointed. I don't want to repeat that, and I don't do university work on Fridays anyway, so I thought I'd skip it this time.

As for what "disappointed" means, well according to the BBC, 32.8% of students nationwide obtained a first-class degree in 2022, down from 37.4% in 2021. In 2011, it was 15.5%.

I don't know what the related figures for Essex University are, because degree results aren't published now, just the names of graduates. It's probably something to do with privacy, not embarrassment at grade inflation or anything. I don't expect it will be much different to the national figure, though, given our "60% at 60%" policy (that is, we want 60% of our students to get marks of 60% or more; a first-class degree is 70% or more).

Meanwhile, in 1981...

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