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11:40am on Saturday, 15th April, 2023:
The place I stayed at in Düsseldorf had this four-a-side Bar Football (aka Fussball) table:
There are 21 figures on each side, so almost an entire world cup squad.
I'm actually quite good at Bar Football, but have only ever played on a standard two-a-side table. I'm good at it for three reasons:
1) I used to work in an amusement arcade when I was a teenager, so got a lot of free practice.
2) I have incredibly fast reactions.
3) I'm generally useless at doing anything much with my left hand and because of this have an unusual grip on the left bar (goalie or midfield five) that for some reason gives me incredible power with no initial pullback.
I'm nowhere near professional quality, I hasten to add, I'm just better than most people.
I didn't get to play on this big table because I went to bed at midnight instead of 2:30am.
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