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2:52pm on Thursday, 7th December, 2023:

The Gods of Games


I sent a copy of my book, How to Be a God, to the Fortean Times for review, on the grounds that they were probably about the only publication that might review it. The result appears in this month's magazine:

As I myself am "flawed, misconceived but entertaining", I don't mind this at all. The review is three full columns in length, which is two and a half columns longer than the five-star-reviewed book on the previous page.

I'd take issue with some of the comments, but as the reviewer is recommending that people read it, they can make up their own minds.

It will be interesting to see if any more copies of the book sell this month than usual, but I suspect the figure to remain largely the same as the average (that is, one plus or minus one).

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