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7:37am on Monday, 6th February, 2023:

Pass 3


The votes for the best (well, least-worst) cover for my SF novel Dheghōom determined that people who hadn't read it liked numbers 7, 9a and 14b. People who had read it liked 12 and ones similar to that.

Unfortunately, when it came to making full jackets out of these chosen covers, everything fell apart. It turns out that books with fancy images on the front that bleed to the page edges need those fancy images to continue onto the spine and the back cover, too. I can sort-of do that with cover 12, but this is the result:

OK, well that might conceivably be acceptable if I didn't want to sell any books, but I do, so I've made up a bunch more covers that have spines and backs to them, too. It's hard to judge them if you see the full jackets, though, so here's what they look like with just the covers:

Those aren't really in enough detail to get a full sense of what they show. If you're keen, you can check out the enlargements at https://www.youhaventlived.com/dhegh%C5%8Dm/pass3.htm (click on a cover there to see a bigger version).

Opinions, please, for those of you still hanging on in there!

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