The everyday blog of Richard Bartle.
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7:38am on Thursday, 3rd August, 2023:
I was on BBC Essex last night.
To enlighten those billions of people of who don't know what it is, and those millions who do know but choose not to listen to it, BBC Essex is our locasl BBC radio station. In the evening they have a 3-hour programme hosted by a chap called Rob Jelly, who's actually pretty good as local radio hosts go.
I was expecting a short interview on the topic of the purchase of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft, so figured it would take 5 minutes of my time at most. It turned out to be a 40-minute feature, with me and AJ Grand-Scrutton, CEO of local game developer Dlala Studios. We did indeed talk about the purchase of Activision Blizzard, but not in great depth; we then went on to talk about other future-of-games aspects in not great depth too. Still, that suited me because I don't actually have any depth of knowledge about consoles and the like.
The show is available on BBC Sounds at for about 30 days. The section I appear in begins about an hour and ten minutes in. I only recommend listening to it if you want to reinforce your views about BBC local radio shows.
My voice has really gone bad these days. I sound nothing like what I used to sound like — it's an old-man voice. I don't think I'll be narrating any audiobooks any time soon.
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