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12:35pm on Monday, 3rd April, 2023:



As I'm currently knee-deep in CE217 assignments, I thought I'd list the out-takes from 2021's assignment (you'll have to wait for 2022's as the students concerned are still at university). Unfortunately from a perspective of humour (or fortunately from a perspective of student ability), there aren't many.

5 foot 7, 90kg and missing their right forearm from an accident, Character 2 spends a lot of his spare time playing basketball and hopes to play for the NBA.

His duty on the farmland was to herd cattle and throughout his life, he would often get bored of this duty and would resort to wrestling with them.

Mark Wayne is a 34-year-old bus driver. He was brought up in a rough neighbourhood in Peru. He is a very smart and intelligent person, having studied at Oxford.

he is always looking his best, mostly where's his admirals uniform and on the rare occasion that he is not in his uniform, he is waring a sophisticated suit and tie.

he will be remembered on a plague somewhere as a sign that he lived

The game makes the user make two choices as the begging of the game

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