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10:16am on Sunday, 1st January, 2023:

Bye Bye 2022


Ah, good, a new year. More human-wrought disasters to look forward to with a mixture of trepidation and alarm.

As I mentioned last year, I can't really list my blog's biggest hits any more because the usage stats aren't very detailed. Here's what they look like as of 3:32am this morning:

The fact that they were auto-generated this morning explains why there are no stats for January 2022 and a sliver for January 2023.

I only have the file-by-file usage stats for October, November and December because my web site only retains them for three months. I suppose I could diligently collect them every month in readiness for my yearly post on the topic, but that would require me to be diligent. However, I can look at the stats I do have to see what the most popular articles in general are across all of my web site.

In terms of hits, the top three draws in all three months were:
My Player Types paper, https://mud.co.uk/richard/hcds.htm. Oct: 11,449. Nov: 6,198. Dec: 7,891.
Designing Virtual Worlds, https://mud.co.uk/richard/DesigningVirtualWorlds.pdf. Oct: 4,285. Nov: 4,303. Dec: 2,940.
How to Be a God, https://mud.co.uk/richard/How%20to%20Be%20a%20God.pdf. Oct: 820. Nov: 885. Dec: 1,146.

I'm particularly pleased that How to Be a God is being downloaded, because it has zero citations. I don't suppose it's being read, at least not all the way through, but at least it's got some word-of-mouth.

If I look at QBlog entries, rather than my web site as a whole, the hits seem to hover around the 1,000 mark. I can only assume that this is down to robot searches, because I can't believe it has that many readers. It's also borne out by the entries that recorded the highest number of hits in the three months for which I have stats:
30 Nov: 1,614 hits. An outburst about airport queues. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2022/QBlog301122A.html.
8 Nov: 1,267 hits. Some iffy family history. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2022/QBlog081122A.html.
6 Nov: 1,264 hits. A photo of an inflatable Father Christmas and a dog. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2022/QBlog061122A.html.
11 Nov: 1,262 hits. Words starting "Auto". https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2022/QBlog111122A.html.
9 Nov: 1,260 hits. Some playing cards I bought. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2022/QBlog091122A.html.
6 Oct: 1,258 hits. A stuffed "cockatiel" https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2022/QBlog061022A.html.
16 Dec: 1,256 hits. Dheghōm drop 3. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2022/QBlog161222A.html.
10 Oct: 1,248 hits. A school photo from 1913. https://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2022/QBlog101022A.html.

Needless to say, even if the hits per month dropped to zero I'd still keep posting. I see it as my revenge on posterity.

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