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9:38am on Friday, 29th April, 2022:
It was Project Demonstration Day yesterday, in which final-year students show off what they've been creating since October. Unlike many games degrees, all our student projects involve coding (we're a Computer Science department) and are done individually, not as teams.
OK, so some of the coding is actually dragging Unreal 4 blueprints around, but most will be in Java with occasional tool-based ones in Python and some hard-core, write-your-own-game-engine style ones in C/C++. Not all were supervised by people who are game specialists, because we have too few of those to cover all our students. The projects supervised by non-games people are nevertheless often excellent pieces of work (at least as often as the ones supervised by games specialists), perhaps because the students get free creative rein accompanied by a requirement that they actually plan their work rather than adding Jira entries after the fact.
The demonstrations took place in a poorly-ventilated lab containing 50 students of whom maybe two were wearing masks. I was also wearing a mask, but I was in there for two hours. If I don't catch COVID-19 from this, I shall consider myself immune.
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