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9:15am on Thursday, 22nd December, 2022:
Here we are with the next three chapters of Dheghōm.
The individual .pdf files can be found at:
Matter 16:
Matter 17:
Matter 18:
The book so far is on dheghō, also known as
These chapters are the ones most likely to need surgery.
Matter 16 connects to several earlier chapters, but I'm not sure whether it's clear enough or not. I don't mind making the reader work, because this is SF and SF readers are smart people, but I did remove a line that may have helped. Alternatively, it lays it on too thickly. You're the reader — you tell me!
Matter 17 is the last one I wrote, after a re-ordering of the chapters. I don't know if it helps or hinders; I'd have preferred the main character to have remained more background than this, but then you might not have realised she was important (because some of the earlier characters aren't, so why should she be?). The bit at the end explaining the symbols is perhaps unnecessary.
Matter 18 needs someone who knows more about physics than me to tell me if it's nonsensical within the fiction and, if it is, whether it's salvageable or not.
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