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12:11pm on Tuesday, 22nd March, 2022:



When I was a kid, I once saw an illustration showing two men dressed in clothes from the early 1900s, shaking hands. A third man was saying "Mr Rolls, meet Mr Royce".

There must be quite a few occasions where similar meetings occurred that led to the creation of well-known companies.

Mr Rolls, meet Mr Royce
Mr Goldman, meet Mr Sachs
Mr Hewlitt, meet Mr Packard
Mr Wells, meet Mr Fargo
Mr Mercedes, meet Mr Benz
Mr Louis, meet Mr Vuitton
Mr Estée, meet Mr Lauder
Mr Marks, meet Mr And Spencer
Mr Rio, meet Mr Tinto
Mr Astra, meet Mr Zeneca
Mr Standard, meet Mr Chartered
Mr American, meet Mr Express
Mr Tik, meet Mr Tok
Mr Coca, meet Mr Cola
Mr Walt, meet Mr Disney

That such historical moments should go unrecorded...

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