The everyday blog of Richard Bartle.
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12:14pm on Monday, 21st February, 2022:
When I went for a walk this morning, I came across evidence of the passing through of storm Eunice over the weekend. There were a few trees down and twigs and branches all over the place, but nothing exceptional. The most damage to property I saw was a fence panel that had come down, but given that it was weighed down with ivy on one side it probably wasn't long for this world anyway.
Much more impressive was the hail yesterday evening that looked and sounded like glass. Normally, hail looks like tiny snowballs, but yesterday's was clear and shaped like the shards of a shattered bottle. It only lasted four or five minutes, though, and it was in the dark, so no pictures. Here's a photo of the lane I walked down this morning instead.
In other news, the enormous bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk my wife ordered on January 3rd, a week before my birthday, finally arrived today. That's Amazon for you.
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