The everyday blog of Richard Bartle.
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2:31pm on Wednesday, 17th August, 2022:
I was on BBC Essex radio this morning.
Apparently, Jeremy Paxman is leaving University Challenge after 28 years, so the BBC Essex breakfast show decided to interview someone who had been on it. Essex University does not regularly enter the competition, so there's a shortage of people in the county who have been on it. As a contestant on the celebrity series that they have every year around Christmas, I was about the best that BBC Essex could come up with at short notice, so I agreed to do it.
Editions of the BBC Essex breakfast show are no longer preserved for all eternity on the BBC iPlayer, so I recorded it. If you're so bored that you want to listen to it, it's here.
The bit at the end where I confirm that I still watch the series may not intersect with the truth quite as much as it gives the impression it does.
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