The everyday blog of Richard Bartle.
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6:09pm on Saturday, 16th July, 2022:
I'm back in the UK now. I thought that the primary advantage of Brexit would be that UK passengers would be able to sail through passport control at the airport, but the lump us in with everyone else who has electronic passports and it took me 30 minutes from joining the line to getting over the UK border. I was getting flashbacks of the queues at Disneyland. I expect it's all part of showing visitors to the UK the British way of life. "Oh my word, it's a 'queue'! Honey, we're in a 'queue'! Is that authentic or what?".
I have many photos from Tenerife I could bore you with, but I'll do that on other occasions. First, I just want to know, what's the top-right symbol on this Ryanair what-to-do-if-we-crash information sheet?
I think the one at the bottom-right is "no glasses or false teeth".
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