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8:47am on Monday, 7th November, 2022:

Big Boss


I've been playing a pair of budget RPGs recently, Exiled Kingdoms and Gedonia. Graphics aside, they're both fairly decent, but they suffer from the same problem: the boss fights are an order of magnitude harder than the regular fights. Yes, I can drop the difficulty level, but that's not the point. It shouldn't be the case that I can't beat a level X boss at level X+5.

It's not that I'm bad at the games, it's a balance issue. For example, in Exiled Kingdoms there was one boss gatekeeping a dungeon whom I couldn't get past for several levels, but when I finally did the mobs in the dungeon itself were pretty well one-shottable. In Gedonia, I'm currently level 41 but won't be trying to get past the level 35 boss who's holding up my progress on the main story quest until I'm maybe level 45, because when I tried at level 35 he spawned adds that got in the way so I couldn't dodge his two-hits-and-you're-dead missile spells. Meanwhile, I'm slaying regular mobs that are higher than my level as if they were made of butter.

Oh well. I've never liked the concept of a boss fight anyway.

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