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11:50am on Monday, 7th March, 2022:



Another podcast I did recently has now been released, part of the Think Like a Game Designer series.

This one is a bit different to the usual ones, because I spent the first 10 minutes giving my backstory without being stopped. As a result, it helps to contextualise what I later say a great deal. The questions I'm asked, particularly towards the end, are inventive and incisive, and I'd certainly go back for a second edition if asked (although if the audience demands my head for being sceptical about the Metaverse then I expect that may not be forthcoming).

You can listen to the whole hour-and-twenty-minutes of it here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/think-like-a-game-designer-36-richard-bartle/id1450200089?i=1000552454042.

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