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2:26pm on Wednesday, 2nd March, 2022:



I first came across the name of the Ukrainian capital city in a board game called Campaign, where it was called Kiev. The board game was fine for even numbers of players, but as there were three of us who played (me, my brother and my dad) we didn't play it very often.

Only in the 2014 Ukranian revolution did I find out that it had another spelling using the Latin alphabet, Kyiv. Apparently, Kiev is the Russian spelling and Kyiv is the Ukrainian spelling. We therefore ought to be calling it Kyiv, which is indeed what most news outlets do call it nowadays (although occasionally they stick an apostrophe in there somewhere). Similarly, Kharkov (which was also in Campaign) is Kharkiv in Ukranian.

Given that Kyiv/Kiev is pronounced "Keev" it doesn't help either way.

What I want to know, though, is whether we now have to call the food "chicken Kyiv" or whether it retains the old spelling like with Pekinese dogs and Madras curries.

It's a poser.

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