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9:47am on Thursday, 1st September, 2022:



Because we're going away on holiday this weekend, we had to take a COVID-19 test today. If even one returned positive, none of us could go.

Here are the possible outcome combinations:
    Both negative — ideal result.
    Both positive — bad but no blame game.
    Only wife positive — bad because I don't get to go either.
    Only me positive — I am a dead man.

Fortunately, our tests both returned negative, therefore we can go. I can think about packing a suitcase now.

We only have to say we took the test and passed, by the way. We don't actually have to provide evidence that we have. I'm fairly sure that there will be some people who test positive but decide to lie about it rather than miss their long-awaited vacation. We'll have them to thank if we catch COVID-19 on the cruise.

That was probably the tensest pre-holiday moment, although there may be another one if our "let's allocate 5 hours to make this 2½ hour journey" scheme doesn't work.

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