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4:59pm on Friday, 26th March, 2021:

No Idea


I bought some more playing cards recently. I have no idea who made them or when.

OK, so they're French. I only have twelve, so maybe they're the face cards or maybe there are only 12. They came in a thin wrapper that only holds about 12, so I guess the latter. It has "cartes comiques" on the side and "Modéle Déposé" on the end. I know Dondorf made some cartes comiques, but these aren't they.

They're on thick card, like you might get at the back of a writing pad, rather than the pliable card that's more usual. They all have some kind of joke on them, some of which have travelled from the past to the present better than others. The artist seems to be one E. Serre, whoever that is.

I quite like them, but am rather stumped as to their origins.

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