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3:35pm on Wednesday, 22nd September, 2021:



We used to get our gas and electricity from nPower, but in 2019 nPower was taken over by E.ON. E.ON reassured former nPower customers that we'd notice no difference in service as a result of this change.

I arranged for a smartmeter to be installed today. I was told that their technician would arrive between 12:00 and 16:00. That was until it actually was between 12:00 and 16:00.

"Hi, it's E.ON. We're sorry we are unable to attend your appointment today. We will call you to explain the reasons for this & to rebook your appointment. Please do not reply to this message."

They weren't lying. I am indeed noticing no difference in service as a result of E.ON's takeover of nPower.

Why do utility companies have names that look as if they've had to pass some kind of weak password check?

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