The everyday blog of Richard Bartle.
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10:35am on Tuesday, 21st December, 2021:
I'm officially on leave this week.
Yesterday, the School Manager sent an email asking us to tell her team when we were officially on leave and to put an out-of-office message in our email. I replied saying that I was already on leave but that I would still be reading university emails, as evidenced by the fact I replied to hers. In response to this email, I got an out-of-office reply.
We are always advised to recharge our batteries over the Christmas break. Just in case we were actually thinking of doing this, today the requests came in me to write six exam papers. In anticipation of this, I had already written the papers in advance. That won't save me from having to look at the exam papers written by other people for which I'm the internal assessor, though.
Last month, university lecturers went on strike. Being part-time, I'm not in the union so would not have been protected had I joined them gone on strike. One of the many, many grievances of the union is that the workload of lecturers has increased tremendously, especially out of term time. On one of the strike days, I was due to attend a supervisory panel for a PhD student. Two of the other panel members went on strike and the student doesn't cross picket lines (even virtual ones), so the panel was called off. At the end of last week, it was rescheduled to today. I am therefore having to attend a panel during my leave because my colleagues went on strike in part to reduce the workload expected of lecturers when on leave.
Only another six years of this, then I can retire...
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