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4:39pm on Monday, 18th October, 2021:
Over the weekend, my pharmacist daughter went to the Pharmacy Show at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham. She was given rather a lot of swag as she walked around.
There are sticking plasters with unicorn pictures on them, vitamins, coasters, pens (lots of pens), notepads, post-it notes, training manuals, penguins for squeezing like stress balls, cannabis oil for when the penguins don't work, mugs, face creams, sweets, body mist, hand cleanser, false nails, a face mask, some kind of wooden puzzle, a hairbrush and a cannister of oxygen that retails at £18.
I don't know how many bags there are there, but knowing her she's certain to find a use for them (which is more than she will for the ano-rectal medicated wipes, I hope).
This is much more than I've ever received in freebies, with the possible exception of the half-a-suitcase load I picked up at the now sadly-defunct Project Horseshoe. At an academic conference, I feel lucky if I receive a single pen (and even luckier if it works for more than a day).
What trade shows give out the most useful freebies? I could do with a new TV for the kitchen.
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