The everyday blog of Richard Bartle.
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11:30am on Wednesday, 17th March, 2021:
I had to take my car in for a service yesterday. Because the garage is six or so miles away and isn't served by public transport, I had to ask for a loan car for the day so I could get back home.
The interior of the loan car was clean, but not the kind of clean that you get when you've completely valeted it, fumigated it and subjected it to gamma rays. I was therefore more than a little concerned that there might have been a few virus particles lurking within. I won't find out if there were for another five days.
The thing is, this afternoon I get my first inoculation. If I did catch Covid-19 yesterday, it would be like getting shot by the last bullet fired in a war. Dying would be bad enough anyway, but dying with bathos is a step too far.
Assuming I haven't caught Covid-19 from my loan car (or indeed my car), my jab is due at 14:25. The side-effects of the vaccine itself kick in maybe 8 or 9 hours later, so just around when I'll be thinking of going to bed. They range from nothing to debilitating fever and pains for a couple of days.
I'm hoping for the former. If I don't show up tomorrow, though, I got the latter.
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