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2:02pm on Sunday, 16th May, 2021:
I finished the latest pass of my Lizzie Lott book #3. There were two show-stopper errors, so I'll have to go through it again. The first error was had the word "to" instead of the word "the". The second error was a page reference that was no longer correct because some deletions I made had the side-effect of moving a map to the page before where the text said it was.
The overall number of changes is decreasing, and a good many of them this time round were the result of macro decisions ("Chrissy always refers to her father as Papa", that kind of thing). Nevertheless, there are still examples of turns of phrase that I found no fault with the previous nine times I read them, but this time I did.
One last push, I hope, and I can finally start on LL#4...
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